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The original was posted on /r/horror by /u/RepresentativeWay291 on 2024-04-09 16:59:03.

a classic horror fan knows that korea is probably in the top 5 countries that takes the cake by far in horror production.

i have one more on netflix, parasyte. it isn’t a movie but it might as well be one considering how fast paced it is and how quickly i finished it. the description on netflix reads horror, which it is, but it’s also a thriller and action at the same time.

amazing plot, even better acting, the characters are peak and the CGI is crazy. about the goriest thing i’ve seen in a while.

i like to say that this series goes above and beyond when it comes to passing the bechdel test.

Our main protagonist is a woman so is our main “villain” and guess what… their characters aren’t centered around romance or romantic relationships with men. we have badass shotgun welding female characters who are strong in ways that absolutely do not cater to the male gaze/fantasy (if you know you know, especially my female horror fans)

all characters (even side ones) have so much depth and you can’t get but help emotionally attached which makes the ride even rockier.

you’ll laugh a lot, (korea is notorious for inappropriately humorous characters in horror), you’ll cry, you’ll probably gag, you’ll get extremely angry… the whole shmuck.

as you’re watching if you think you know what’s going to happen next, scratch that you’re probably wrong

9.8/10 watch. i’m very confident you’ll enjoy it too!