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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/Simple-Beginning-182 on 2024-04-10 00:00:49.

I was born the same month that the “priesthood ban” was lifted. So, I had heard about people of color not being allowed to have the priesthood. As a twelve year old boy , I was told to pass the sacrament and run around my neighborhood shaking down the old and inactive folks with my handful of blue envelopes for fast offerings. I would think not having to do any of that kind of sounded nice. I was 43 before I found out the “priesthood ban” meant no one of color was allowed in. No forever families, no Celestial Kingdom, but the Church still took that tithing. Anything that I taught the people on my mission was vital to their salvation, they couldn’t have up until a few days before I was born because of their skin color. I think calling it a “priesthood ban” minimizes was people of color where actually told, that Mormon heaven was Whites Only and I believe its much easier for Apologetics to make the case for restricting “priesthood authority” then it is for a clearly discrimtory God. I am willing to bet if you call it a “Temple ban” to any TBMs you know more than half won’t know what you are talking about.