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The original was posted on /r/ufos by /u/PyroIsSpai on 2024-04-09 20:44:58.

Original Title: Hypothesis: more people report. More people look: more reports, repeat; pressures lawmakers to dig. Soon enough “noise” (military/IC) dissuades people looking, less interest/stigma. This cycles. Internet/phones disrupt legacy Program control systems. Eclipse/Grusch/leaks are like Streisand effect.

That’s basically it. A proper math nerd can map a formula out of what my subject is.

Treat it like baseline rate of growth/exposure/interest/disclosure pushing that began circa Arnold/Roswell in the West.

It progressed at D rate (Disclosure rate), slowly building on what came before, but constrained by means of communications. As those increased in velocity, scope and ease, the N rate increased iteratively over time.

Treat incidents like the first few days of Roswell reporting, New York Times leaks, the Congressional hearings and the spike in people reporting sightings from and after the eclipse, and similar as some variable that has it’s own formula for how impactful each of these is then afterward on N.

There is some ratio of regression you have to apply: the ‘program’ or whatever it is that obviously would prefer this all go away still keeps pushing back and always has. You have to apply a value there and rate, and we can call that value the R rate (Regressive rate).

Treat incidents like well staged hoaxes, the baked AARO report, and the latter days of Roswell reporting as ‘beneficial’ to this, where advancement of R negatively impacts D.

You’d have to weight, basically, official statements by government and military officials in various contexts for how they figure in. The remarks from DOD/NATO leaders to Congress about the Langley AFB incidents, for example. The DOD senior brass in 2022 telling Congress in open session UFOS are real, not ours, not from known adversaries, physical, and detected EM signals (which means we ‘HEARD’ them). Kirkpatrick/AARO initially admitting that the Metal Sphere Phenomenon is global and constant and unknown origin.

You can probably with sufficient data map out how close we are in length of time till you get House and Senate members openly saying remarks like, “NHI are real, and we have evidence.”

Sit back and read through long term timelines of all of this. It’s astonishing.

We are being orbited by actual answers. The orbit from the first loop has been a decaying orbit, and each orbit is increasing the decay rate based on D and R. There has never once been a decrease in the value of D.