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The original was posted on /r/horror by /u/QuestioningGrad on 2024-04-09 23:40:25.

Last year my wife and kids went to a summer sleepaway camp for 6 nights. It was the first time since being married and a parent that I had that much time alone at the house. I decided it would be fun to create a list of horror movies to watch - 1 per night with a fun cocktail.

They are going to the camp again this year, but this time for 14 nights. Below are my tentative plans. What do you think? Any recommendations for substitutions, additions, or subtractions?

2024 potential list (14 nights)

  • Immaculate

  • Late night with the devil

  • In violent nature

  • A cure for wellness

  • The Lighthouse

  • Pandorum

  • Sunshine

  • Martyrs

  • Crimes of the future

  • Midsommar

  • Sisu

  • Hellbender

  • Crimson Peak

  • Infinity pool

  • X

2023 watched (6 nights)

  • Barbarian

  • Bone Tomahawk

  • Terrifier 2

  • Mandy

  • It Follows

  • The Witch