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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/jpitha on 2024-04-09 23:30:00.

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Fen could only describe the next few days as odd. Around her extended family Zhe started to change. Her language became more gruff and she carried two soar-knives. They were thin, razor sharp leaf shaped blades connected to her wrists with a reel of monofilament wire. She showed Fen how they’re used. She can toss them lightly or with force and they fly from her hands and soar across a room. If they don’t find a target, she can swing her arms and cause the monofilament to fly around, causing mayhem where they touch. They were originally developed by the Gren who never really developed traditional throwing weapons, but their bladed weapons were bar none. Fen thought it odd that they made the soar knife one that could be thrown, but Zhe explained that it was developed after the Gren made it to space, so it was probably an accommodation for microgravity.

Regardless of why it was developed, it was a wicked weapon and Zhe was a master in its use. Fen started carrying around her battle rifle as well, slung to her back. It wasn’t out of place, most of the pirates were armed on the Heap. Fen offered Northern a pistol to carry, but she turned her nose up at the weapon. “The day I need a gun to defend myself is a sad day Fen.” She refused to elaborate.

Everyone onboard was friendly, but standoffish. Fen was willing to chalk that up to them being new on the Heap, but Zhe was worried. “Sure, they’re careful about visitors, but I’m family for Ancestors sake. Once I vouch for you, it should be songs and drinking time. Instead they’re… polite.” Zhe’s ears twitched, irritated. “Something is going on.”

“Like what? Do you think Hemmi is causing trouble?” They were back onboard the Frigate. Northern wasn’t connected, so it was just some rooms and a kitchen for them. The airlock was sealed though.

“Or in trouble. If he was here, I’d have a better handle on everyone. Hemmi has been in charge for cycles. He’s practically an institution.”

Northern glanced at Fen who tried not to make a face.

“What?” While they were with the pirates, Zhe also seemed to become more aware. It was fascinating to Fen. She was practically developing into another person - or her real personality was starting to surface.

“I wonder if we arrived at a bad time, Zhe. It feels like leadership on the Heap is changing.”

Zhe’s tail started to flick back and forth. “You’re thinking a coup? Hemmi wouldn’t stand for it, he’d space everyone he could find that was planning to oust him. It’s not like he’s never done it before.”

Fen blinked, “He… spaced people?”

“Sure, how else are you going to send a message that insubordination won’t be tolerated. Hemmi is in charge, what Hemmi says goes.”

Fen leaned forward, fascinated. “Hemmi is like your father, right?”

“Like? Hemmi is my father.” Zhe smiled.

“K’laxi don’t normally care about that sort of thing. At least my famililal line didn’t. There were the adults, there were the kids and there were the elders. Who came from whom was never discussed.”

“Hemmi was not into that whole thing. He cared about the kids he sired and where they came from. Moms thought it was silly, but he always ran paternity tests. I was Hemmi’s kid and he was raising me to lead after him.” Zhe turned away from them. “Then, I left to go straight and I know it broke Hemmi’s heart. I hope he’s all right. I want to see him.”

While Zhe was brooding in the kitchenette, there was a repeating tone over the speakers. Northern looked up and made a face. “Fen, that’s a radio beacon. We’re being hailed.”

Fen unfolded her pad and tapped and slid until she found ship controls, and then tapped and slid again until she found the radio. The signal was scratchy and weak, from far across the system. “-dentified frigate, unidentified frigate, this is Hemmi Navarren and I’m hoping you’re here to lend me a hand.” His voice sounded out of breath and tired.

Zhe’s ears pricked and she shouted. “Daddy! It’s Zhe, what’s wrong?”

There was a pause on the line. Fen had thought it was cut, but then there was a shuddering sigh. “You came back, Sunbeam. You came back. Ancestors, it’s good to hear your voice.” As soon as he heard Zhe’s voice he sounded stronger, as if he was given a burst of energy. “Listen Sunbeam, there’s trouble. Rev knows about it, but he has declared himself to be neutral. Have you been aboard the Heap?”

“Yes Daddy, everyone seems standoffish, but they were polite enough.”

“That’s because they knew what was happening, and didn’t want you to know. I imagine they were hoping you would come, and then leave right away.”

“Wait wait wait, everyone was treading on eggshells because they didn’t want Zhe to know? Why?”

Even through the weak radio signal, everyone could hear Hammi’s grin. “Because Zhe is merciless. Once I turn her loose, It will be like a hull breach. It will be like a hurricane.” He pronounced the human word oddly, like he wasn’t used to speaking Colonic. “Zhe hon. They tried to kill me. They nearly succeeded. I beat them back and spaced the rest, but my runabout is damaged. I’m printing some parts to fix the wormhole generator, but I won’t be able to link to the Heap until tomorrow. Can you do me a favor?”

“Anything Daddy.” Zhe’s voice was a tight whisper, and her furred hands were already gripping the soar-knives.

“Go take care of them. Leave Rev, leave Elmar, and leave Xiian.”

“See you soon Daddy.”

“See you soon, Sunbeam.”

The line was cut. Fen listened to the backround of radiation of space for two beats before she looked over at Zhe. She was already making her way towards the airlock. “Zhe! Wait!”

Zhe turned and whipped her face around to Fen, her mouth a snarl, and her ears vibrating. “Fen, either come help or lock yourself in the frigate until I’m done. I’ve got work to do.”

Fen spun her rifle to the front and racked a fresh round. “You’re not doing this alone. If you’re sure this is what you need to do, I’m with you all the way.”

For just an instant, Zhe’s face registered something Fen was surprised to see. She saw, anger. Anger at Fen coming along? Fen found it odd, she was having an easier time reading body language. She was always decent at it, but now it was like nobody had any secrets for her. She then softened. “It will be dangerous Fen.”

“The way everyone here is frightened of you? The way Hemmi said you were like a hurricane?” Fen winked. “I’ll come along. I need to make sure you survive to meet Hemmi at the dock.”

Zhe turned to Northern. “And you?”

Northern held up both her hands. “And ruin my clothes? These are the latest from Hyacinth. No, I’ll go become the ship again and keep an eye out for people trying to make a getaway, and waiting to hear from your Dad.”

“Thanks Northern, thanks Fen.” Zhe pushed the cycle button on the airlock. “Let’s go make sure my Dad has a place to come home to.”

As they stepped into the Heap, there was a K’laxi that Fen didn’t recognize standing around. His gun - a human pistol modified for K’laxi use - was in its holster around his chest, and his tail was limp and his years droopy. He was clearly bored. Zhe flicked the soar knife at him and took his head off before he even registered their presence.

With a twist of her wrist, the soar knife reeled itself back to her hand, the blood flying off as it returned. “This way Fen.” She pointed towards one of the doors over to the side. Striding up to it, the door slid open automatically.

“Oh Hey, Fe-” Another K’laxi’s head removed before they could even finish their sentence. As they continued down the hall, Fen would see someone, kill them, and continue on. Fen followed mute, wondering what was going on. Surely there would be an alarm by now? Wasn’t there some kind of central administration? Was the Heap really just a pile of ships loosely tied together?

They reached a bar, or cantina. There were a few dozen people inside eating, drinking, playing games, nothing special, nothing specific. Zhe walked in and scanned the crowd. She gestured for Fen to stand back. As they did the bartender looked up and said, “Hey Zhe, are you here-” As their head was removed.

Zhe flicked both soar knives out and spun. This time, there was enough people that the screams could be heard. Fen would stand and gesture with her arms as the nearly invisible monofilament wire careened about the room. Tables, chairs, lights, flesh, nothing stopped it. People would stand up to reach for their gun and their top half would slide off their bottom half. They’d drop to the floor and try and shimmy away, and the blade of the knife would find the back of their neck. All Fen could do was watch and see if anyone got away.

None did.

Eventually, the screams turned to gurgles and whimpers, and then stopped. Zhe reeled the knives back to her hands and turned. In the corner was Rev, who was standing still as a statue, his hand still holding his drink, halfway to his mouth.

She was next to him in a flash, one of the knives in her hand millimeters from his eye. “Hemmi says you live.” She looked down at his arm. “But living is a spectrum, isn’t it?” She twisted her wrist awkwardly and the hand holding the drink popped off like it was a toy. To his credit, Rev didn’t scream, but Fen could see the color run from his skin u…

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