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The original was posted on /r/mylittlepony by /u/d_shadowspectre3 on 2024-04-09 23:16:01.

Google doc detailing the evidence

Twitter thread by the person who compiled the most recent document and who is fighting for the victims’ justice

I suppose I don’t need to introduce the Fluffle Puff creator. Unfortunately, they’ve spent much of their career concealing a rotten underbelly. Quoting the document, “[they] groomed [their] current girlfriend when she was 15 and then had sex with another 16 year old girl. [They were] in [their] late 20s to early 30s with both victims. both still talk to [them] and believe [they’re] innocent due to [their] manipulation of them.”

Both girls had a crush on Fluffle Puff and have had a hard time separating from them due to their manipulation. Fluffle Puff (irl name Mike) admitted to reciprocating their feelings and dating them while they were underage, and they used their influence and popularity to suppress concerns about the power imbalance and pædophilia.

The OP and their allies have been working on bringing justice to the victims for years, including making several posts in the past that have yet to gain traction. I made this post to spread awareness about Fluffle Puff’s abuses for the MLP fandom on Reddit. My heart goes out to the victims, and I hope that they realise what’s happening to them and find escape from the cycle of manipulation.