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The original was posted on /r/hfy by /u/I-Own-A-Voice on 2024-04-09 23:18:59.


“You really couldn’t wait Kyle?” Fabricator complained. His ship had made it to the main armada just as it was all wrapping up. The glowing scar cut deep within the planet pulsing and flowing with the glow of the breached lower mantle. The atmosphere had been reduced by about a third, the ozone creating a cloud of gaseous debris above the planet that would take several years to return. Millions of insectoids sat in their ships, slowly floating in a holding orbit wherever the ships had been when all the Hive Queen instances had been destroyed.

“It’s not like we’re done.” Kyle said as he began to grip his head. A migraine was making it’s way through his head like a parade of toddlers with claw hammers for hands. What he had meant to say after that was, ‘it wasn’t genocide without completing the job’ but for some reason all the reason for revenge, for completing the erasure of the species just went away. Kyle would continue to be unaware, but the small connection he had maintained with the Hive Queen, the source of his drive to eliminate her, was gone. With her dead (or more accurately, with her being so far away, and in such a weakened state, that any connection had no hope of making it) it was simply erased.

Sword popped out into real space, a single glowing eye bubbling to the surface of his polished dark metal. “Interesting, I was wondering what that was.”

“What what was?” Kyle asked, gripping his temples.

“It matters not, your weapon was most impressive, perhaps enough to rip apart a fraction of an elder god. Given an army of these, you may have a chance to dissipate the vast structures that comprise the elder gods.”

“Headache, sorry, you’re gonna have to repeat that.” Kyle said, slumping into a chair straight out of star trek. Something further was said, but Kyle had already fallen asleep.

“Alright Agents, we have some cleanup to do. All insectoid ships are to be congregated into one large orbit, confirm life signs and ensure they’re docile. They’re to be brought to blacksite alpha for sorting. We have plans, so get to work!”

Ships began to exit their combat formation, fabricator arrays were deployed utilizing Kyle’s sun siphon system for power. They were still good so long as the energy was properly dissipated, but would melt as soon as the weapon stopped firing for any extended period of time. Frankly it was a marvel of technology, but well within the realm of energy transfer tech.

Civilian starliners began to form within the massive ship gantries that were deployed, enough to capture and transport every remaining insectoid. They had orders to capture as many alive as possible. The agents knew why, they had made an ally of the subQueen and these were to be the start of her much more peaceful species. They didn’t see it as genocide, a necessary evil to wipe out the bad within the species, and would have stopped Kyle if need be. A small prick from Klei’s arm needle ensured he had a headache and a nap. Kyle was to be brought in as well, though not before some public relations work with the Drizzk.

They were an extremely difficult species to find common ground with, but Kyle seemed to be the key in bringing them into the human alien alliance. The defeat of their longstanding enemy was a prize for sure, and they were eager to congratulate and reward Kyle for his momentous work. They were already blowing up the communicator with requests to speak to Kyle, but a relations Agent assured them that he was exhausted from his efforts and would speak to them within the next couple of galactic days.

After that Kyle’s destiny laid with whatever work the Agency had for him. Likely within the R&D department. Sword on the other hand would be contained as the anomalous object he was, in order to prevent Kyle from attempting to resist. It was a necessary evil, Kyle unbound was bound to cause ripples in the universe that the Agency was very interested in containing. Well… Klei shook her head. What was she thinking.

Sword would also be a good source of information, as shady as he was, about these Elder Gods. The Agency had heard rumors and legends, but that was all. A living (breathing?) entity that could update them on a potential threat, was always welcome in their containment facilities. Or he would be if he didn’t always disappear into his little pocket dimension.

“We’ll have to get him to an Agency research facility to coax him out of his little hiding space.” A tech said. The readout of his tablet stated that there was a tiny energy anomaly floating around Kyle’s head, and was inaccessible at the moment.

“Acceptable. Let’s wrap this show up and bring 'er home gents.” Medusa barked. Thankfully she wouldn’t be part of the cleanup crew, she had to return home in order to report her info, and exit confidentiality mode. She would be allowed to keep a gist of what had gone on, but anything classified would be locked inside of her memories. It wasn’t all bad, the bonus alone from this mission would let her live it large if she wanted to, plus she was due some time off. All things considered it had turned out well.

The Agents boarded a warp cruiser and exited the system, a couple of hours for them would be a week in real time, but that was perfectly acceptable. They hauled Kyle’s sedated ass off his ship with them, as their next destination was the Drizzk homeworld. But as far as the Agents were concerned the mission was all but over.

Kyle awoke a few hours later feeling refreshed and revenge free. He opened his eyes and just laid there. It was nice. Though he certainly wasn’t expecting to be laying there with someone. His vision shifted and he saw that Klei was sleeping next to him. He certainly didn’t mind, and as such he closed his eyes again and drifted off to sleep once again.

When he awoke once more the bed was empty, the smell of freshly roasted coffee wafting into his quarters. He got up, the soft warm bed inviting him back, but coffee was much more inviting. He stepped out of his room and followed the smell of his coffee.

“You’re looking perky this morning.” Klei said amused, looking over her shoulders at Kyle.

“Perky? Wait…” Yup, butt naked.

Kyle retreated back to his room, the rosy glow of embarrassment lighting up his face. It certainly didn’t help that Klei’s laugh followed him all the way there. He put on a nice comfortable set of pajamas and re-emerged from his quarters, cheeks still rosy red.

“Why do you always strip me while I’m sleeping?” Kyle complained. “It’s indecent.”

“Considering what we’ve done I would imagine it’s the least of your worries.” Klei shot back slyly.

“Hey I’m not exactly experienced when it comes to this kinda stuff. Machines make sense, people don’t.” Kyle said, his nose leading him to a pot of coffee.

“Well to answer your first question, can’t exactly do a full body medical scan with clothes on.” A blatant lie, the scanner didn’t care about clothes. Klei just liked seeing Kyle flustered.

“Lies! All lies!” Kyle said amused, coffee draining down his throat hole and into his stomach sack.

“Regardless, enjoy some breakfast, lunch, or dinner. That coffee is the real deal too, brought it from Earth.” Klei said, sipping from her own cup.

“No shit, you can really tell the difference.” Kyle said, not tasting any difference whatsoever. Still, it was authentic non fabricated coffee. That shit grew on trees.

Kyle ate as Klei updated him on what had gone on, the fact that he was about to attend a Drizzk awards ceremony, and was expected to be heavily armed for the whole thing. This amused Kyle, who spent his next couple of hours fabricating an exoskeleton and various guns to go with it. He also made the effort to make a sheath for Sword, who would be hanging at his hip during the ceremony.

Happy with his work he punched the print button and waited for the weapons to assemble.

“Say Kyle, how well can you reverse engineer technology?” Klei asked him as she took a seat next to Kyle.

“Pretty well, depends on what sort of tech it is and what sort of lab I have available. Something like a weapon is easy, prefabricated electronics require a scanner and a computer, with things like power sources being tricky but doable if I have the containment facilities if things go kaboom.” Kyle rattled off, but sensed there was a part two to the question. “Why do you ask Klei?”

“I really hope I turned off all the surveillance.” Klei said in a whisper. She scooted up right next to Kyle and whispered into his ear. “The Agency cured my cancer, so to speak, the nanites in my blood kill it as it appears. For all intents and purposes I’m healthy. Though it binds me to the Agency, my loyalty is guaranteed you see?”

“Oh. That’s right. And you want me to…” Kyle got the picture.

“Yup, reverse engineer and fix me for good. They’re willing to do it, if I lose all my memories of being an Agent. That’s my entire life Kyle. Could you lose the person you are for freedom? Could you forget it all, become someone entirely new. Die? Even then I’m not sure they mean it.”

“I’ll do my best, though it does light up our history with a new light.” Kyle said, two eyes meeting in gaze.

“I know.” Klei said. “I hope that…”

“I’ll do it, though…

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