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The original was posted on /r/washingtondc by /u/frankly2frankie on 2024-04-10 01:10:27.

My husband and I moved into our townhome about a year ago. Within several days of being fully moved in a van started consistently playing loud music outside our home. It can be nonstop from 3pm-4am or just random bursts anywhere in that window. Rain or shine, mosquito infested or snowstorm, this van sits there and plays music. It is often so loud that our own music would need to be blared to an uncomfortable degree to tune out the loud bass. Even then we could still feel the beat. For context, the folks that play this music are not part of our neighborhood, but rather an apartment complex that is adjacent and separated by a retaining wall, so it is not easy to just walk over to them and ask them to turn it down anytime it is too loud.

Regardless, my husband and myself as well as other neighbors have spoken to them about the issue, and they are anything but understanding. They just say the can play the music in this parking lot. I think it is amplified around all the brick in our neighborhood and the top of the retaining wall in chain link, so there is NOTHING to block the noise.

It’s so frustrating. It has gotten to the point where as soon it hits 9:50pm, if the music is still playing we call the police non-emergency line so we can fall asleep (I even sleep with a noise machine and earbuds and just feel our bed shaking 3 stories up!)

However, clearly calling the police does nothing because they still do it. Plus, I am not trying to get anyone in trouble, I just want to relax in my own home. I have lived in the city for 12 years now and in some busy areas, I am fine with city noise. This is like living right by the 9:30 club or something! We are now expecting a baby, and I am at my wits end trying to resolve this issue. Any thoughts? Happy to answer other clarifying questions!