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The original was posted on /r/datahoarder by /u/smiba on 2024-04-09 11:02:02.

Hey everyone,

If you’ve been using Scaleway Glacier for storing backups and files, I would greatly recommend trying to download your files right now while you still have a way of replacing them!

I’ve been storing backups of my pictures at Scaleway (~1.5TB) since 2020 or so, and I unfortunately needed to pull them from backup.

When I tried restoring them from GLACIER to STANDARD tier, some files did not come out of GLACIER tier.

There also are were about 4 files that could not be downloaded from STANDARD tier (that did not get stuck in GLACIER but) trying to do so would result in an unexpected EOF error.

I contacted Scaleway about this, and they confirmed some of my data has been permanently lost and I got a whole 50 euros (in Scaleway vouchers) for it… If this was just a single file I’d be, sure, shit happens, but they lost 5 full size pictures (mixed between .jpg and raw files)? I don’t want a voucher I want my photos lol

Looking online I found another user reporting the exact same happening to them:

The same issue with data that appeared to be just fine, until they tried to pull it out of GLACIER.

I’ve been in contact with Scaleway, and they don’t want to produce a post mortem because it’s an “isolated incident”, even though it obviously isn’t as at least two users (me and Ruben) have spoken out about this having happened to them. Considering the majority of the users are probably not touching their GLACIER data, I’d argue that there definitely are a lot of users that are likely to be also affected by this (without them knowing)

If you’re using GLACIER, I would highly recommend trying to download all your files once. To test downloading, do this through a VM at Scaleway so you don’t get charged Egress fees.

It also can take up to 24 hours to get everything from GLACIER to STANDARD, you can do so through rclone.

Keep in mind “restore” fees are 0.009 euros per GB since Q3 2023.


GLACIER to STANDARD: rclone backend restore s3:bucket/ -o priority=Standard

Download to /tmp (make sure this isn’t memory backed, may wanna setup nullfs etc.): rclone copy scaleway:bucket/ /tmp/

If you find out you have data loss, make sure to open a ticket with them and please report it here as well so I can pressure them into making a post mortem.