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The original was posted on /r/squaredcircle by /u/Darren716 on 2024-04-10 04:08:37.


Winner Loser Match Finish Stipulation
Kianna James and Izzy Dame Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan 401K
Je’Von Evans Scrypts w/ OTM Hold it in the Road
Roxanne Perez © Natalya Pop Rox after Lola Vice attacks Natalya For the NXT Women’s Championship
Luca Crucafino and Stacks w/ Adrianna Rizzo Myles Bornt and Damon Kemp w/ Charlie Dempsey Shatter Machine
Jada Parker w/ Otm Brinley Reece w/ Enofe and Blade Hip Check
Nathan Frazer and Axiom The Wolf Dawgs © Phoenix Splash For the NXT Tag Team Championships


  • Kickoff with the new NXT Women’s Champion Roxanne Perez making her way to the ring! She asks if the fans are even really surprised and tells the fans to shut up when they try to chant that she deserves it because she could have used their support a year ago. Roxanne says last night was justice finally being reunited with her title and Lyra had to be an honorable champion who came in with her arm less than 100% so she targeted it. She calls Lyra stupid and pathetic because regardless of how she won the match she’s standing there as NXT Women’s Champion and she’ll be doing things on her terms and will only be giving it up once she gets drafted to Raw or Smackdown so enjoy seeing it while you can. Lyra comes out and asks if this is what we have to look forward to, Roxanne packing her bags after being champion for two days? She tells Rox to go to Raw or Smackdown but the title stays with her in NXT and wants a rematch tonight! Rox tells Lyra she isn’t even cleared and says she shouldn’t waste her rematch. Tatum appears from the crowd and says Lyra may not be able to compete but she can and gets close to her and starts to play with Lyra’s hair as Lyra tries to tell her she doesn’t need her protection. Tatum snaps and throws Lyra into the steel steps and says she wants the title and storms off. Roxanne says it seems like there won’t be a title match tonight afterall but if interrupted by Natalya. Nattie tells her that Rox is adorable but she’s forgotten more about wrestling than Rox has ever learned and says she wants a shot at the one title she’s never won in WWE. Roxanne refuses but Ava comes out and says there’s no better way to ring in the NXT after Stand and Deliver and makes the title match official.
  • Backstage Nathan Frazer says this is their last shot at the tag titles and they have to do something different because he feels they can really be tag champions. Axiom says their team was formed from their friendship and this is their time but Frazer says if they can’t do this tonight it may be time to go their separate ways.
  • At Chase U Andre thanks Fallon Henley and Kelani Jordan for their help at Stand and Deliver and awards them with honorable Chase U diplomas. Thea Hail rushes in and hopes she didn’t miss anything. Andre is about to hand out one more certificate but is interrupted by Jacey Jane who walks in. She says she isn’t there to fight but she wants to finally tell Thea the real reason why she had to bail out Chase U last fall. She says that Andre placed a big bet on Thea Hail’s NXT Women’s Championship match but he was so stupid that he threw in the towel once he saw Thea couldn’t do it anymore. Andre admits it’s true as Thea storms out.
  • Charlie Dempsey says GCW Bloodsport was some of the toughest competition he’s ever faced but he’s fought to the top. Luca and Stacks walk by and say the Catch Crew are too afraid to get their hands dirty and challenge them to do something about it.
  • Ridge is asked by an interviewer what happened on Saturday, Ridge says he has to find Joe Gacy to apologize and says he kind of blacked out. Joe Gacy comes by and says he gets it, it’s hard to go from competing in the ring to being a backstage reporter. Ridge says he can’t do this and storms off where he runs into Cruz Del Turo and Joaquin Wilde, they say they don’t buy his act and know who Ridge is from Smackdown and he hasn’t changed. Ridge storms off, smashing Turo’s hand in the door as he barges out.
  • Backstage Corbin hypes up Bron before their title defense and tells Bron he has to admit that he enjoys hanging with him and he helped snap his Stand and Deliver losing streak. Bron says he isn’t going to admit it and slaps Corbin’s title getting hyped up.
  • Lola Vice says she’s tired of waiting for opportunities and she’s making her own either for the NXT Women’s Championship for the Women’s North American Championship as she is ambushed from behind by Natalya.
  • The North American Champion Oba Femi makes his way to the ring. He says some things in life are inevitable, going into Stand and Deliver he knew it would be the genesis of his rule over this division. No one can underplay Josh Briggs and Dijak and that just shows the height of the power he climbed in from of 17,000 people to still be North American Champion. He says that is not going to change for a long time and that is inevitable. Ivar appears! He says by the look on Oba’s face that he didn’t foretell that he’d be here tonight. Ivar says after he saw that match at Stand and Deliver he loved the chaos. Three big men beating the hell out of each other, desperate to win that championship and that is exactly the type of fight he lives for. Oba asks Ivar what he wants. Ivar said he felt a deep jealously not just for the title on his shoulder but because he wanted to be in the fight! Dijak and Briggs threw everything they could at Oba but he remained the unmovable object but Ivar believes he’s the man who can chop him down. Oba says we shall see and goes to leave but Ivar stops him and says yeah we’ll see. Oba headbutts Ivar but he strikes back and runs off the ropes and does a rebound lariat that knocks down Oba before holding up the North American Championship.
  • Meta Four fawn over Noam Dar’s hosting at Stand and Deliver but Oro Mensa is looking glum so Noam asks what’s wrong. Oro says after Oba pushed him around he wants to show he can stand toe to toe with Oro as the rest of Meta Four try to back him down. Dijak comes in and wants to know who came up with their little skit at Stand and Deliver. Noam takes credit and Dijak tells him this is his warning, and everyoen gets one.
  • Arianna Grace is backstage saying that Georgina is almost ready and says herself was the star of Wrestlemania weekend after appearing on the Stand and Deliver pre-show. She also says she has her eyes on the Women’s North American Championship but Sol Ruca tells her that the title is her. Lola Vice storms in angry about Nattie attacking her but Sol tells her anyone would do the same after they were screwed out of a title match. Lola warns Sol to crawl back into whatever beach she came from.
  • Following the tag title match Karrion Kross and Scarlett appear on the ramp as AOP ambush Axiom and Frazer from behind! The Final Testament stand tall with AOP holding the tag titles.
  • NXT Spring Breakin’ returns April 24th and May 1st!
  • Trick Williams makes his way to the ring. He says he went to war in Philly and says NXT is hotter than it’s ever been because of everyone in this building. They had over 16,000 people chanting Whoop That Trick! Trick says you wouldn’t see him in this ring if it wasn’t for Carmelo Hayes and while he doesn’t agree with what Melo did, he is still HIM which is why he had to show the world exactly who Trick Williams is. At Wrestlemania everyone saw Bayley and Cody Rhodes get their titles, and it made him think what is next for himself. As he was flying back to Orlando he knew what was next for Trick Williams, if he wants to be the man he has to slay that Mad Dragon for the NXT Championship and calls out Ilja Dragunov. Ilja makes his way to the ring and says he is so proud of the superstar Trick has become and he has a charisma no one else in WWE has and says he is exactly what this brand needs. Trick says what they need is for the two of them to face off for that title one more time. Ilja tells Trick he’s rightfully full of himself right now and he wants a shot at the title but his answer is no! Ilja tells Trick had his chance but he failed. Trick asks who he needs to face to get his opportunity and says nothing will stop him from getting his title match. Ilja says perseverance is admirable but he wants Trick to bet on himself. He’ll have his NXT Championship match in two weeks at Spring Breakin’, but if he loses Trick must leave NXT! Trick says if he can’t beat the Mad Dragon then he doesn’t belong in NXT and accepts the challenge. Ilja and Melo shake hands and go to leave but both are ambushed from behind by Carmelo Hayes! Hayes grabs the NXT Championship and tells Trick he won’t make it to Spring Breakin’ because next week he’s going to whoop his ass inside a Steel Cage!


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