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The original was posted on /r/television by /u/vlKross_F7 on 2024-04-09 21:59:35.

I have been watching this Show since it started, but just now am getting to watch Season 2 as I had to wait for a friend, and being tired of a lot of shows going down because not enough people watch them, even when they are good, I want to try and get at least a few more people to watch it as I don’t want it be forcefully ended before it’s finale.

What it’s about: People get trapped in a little “Village” that, by night, is haunted by creatures, forcing people to stay inside at night, no one can leave the Village, the Roads always lead back to it, and people are trying to find answers, leading to even more questions.

My Thought: The Show is mystery done right, especially Season 2 and gives the Viewer A LOT of food for thought about what is going on, the cast and acting is really good and some familiar faces might be in it for you too, I can only recommend it.

What else I liked, maybe it gives a bit of insight in my taste: I liked Lost (the Idea behind it), Peaky Blinders, See, The Walking Dead, Breaking Bad was alright to me.

Here is the IMDB and a Trailer: