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The original was posted on /r/newzealand by /u/Dizzy_Relief on 2024-04-10 05:06:11.

And let’s face it - pretty much anywhere else in NZ hence why I’m posting here.

Was just in the city driving through the 30kmh part on Durham St South/Cambridge Tce (yes, it changes names for about 200m… And then changes back!) and heard a fire engine about 5 blocks back.

One way. Two narrow lanes. Pretty much impossible to pull over on either side bar side streets. Traffic flows, but the road is full both lanes (one way very close to right through CHCH Metro area, it’s always like that). So it wasn’t approaching fast. I went probably another 4 blocks after actually seeing it behind me before it was two blocks away.

All the sensible people who heard if coming ages back made sure they were hard against the gutter on the left, and the right lane was clear when they stopped at this point. I was two cars back from a red light (right beside the Bridge of Remembrance). Right lane was clear, with people moving into the right turn lane or pulling left ages ago.

Want to guess what three different people decided to do? Yep, they quickly changed into the clear lane, and stopped at the red. Totally blocking the fire truck. And sat there.

The car in front of me ran the red, and I backed up hard into the gutter to allow the truck to pass (it was fucken close!). All while they sat there.

But it doesn’t finish there. I then saw another FOUR cars drive into its path/block it within less than 50m. One managed to move it it’s path blocking it three times (it was trying to turn left at this point). I was half waiting for the truck to just ram it out of the way.

PULL THE FUCK OVER. I really can’t put it nicely.