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The original was posted on /r/horror by /u/ShadowJack98 on 2024-04-09 23:38:11.

Which is the horror movie that still somehow haunts you ? I’ve seen a lot of horror movies in my life but sadly lately only a few really made me e feel a sense of despair and fear.

The only movies that disturb me still today are Shining, The Grudge and Kairo (Pulse).

Kairo is probably the eeriest horror movie I’ve ever seen in my life, Japanese just know how to do psychological horror better than anyone. That scene in the movie (and who has seen it knows what I’m talking about) is something that still haunts me.

I think that psychological horror is just much more scary than splatter or pure gore horror, they are a part of the genere yes, but they lack being soul crushing and making you feel deeply disturbed. As much as I love a classic horror movie like Halloween, I watch it more for the entertainment factor than the fear one.

And you, which movie do you think is the most eerie you have seen ? And do you have any suggestion about horror psychological movies like Kairo ?