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The original was posted on /r/sbcgaming by /u/Zer0mist on 2024-04-09 11:54:11.

Looking for a handheld device. The current “future proof” for the next 3-5 years. Money is not a concern, just want to live out the rest of my years playing my old retro games (console + windows '98) as well as utilizing gamepass since I’m a member til 2028. Not looking for much else. If I play it’ll be on the couch or in bed. Would like to prefer softer buttons and dpad so not to wake my gf. If the best device is 2 or 3 different devices (1 for pc, 1 for retro and 1 for streaming) let me know which ones. Don’t mind having a collection if it’s still going to give me what I want (portability and quiet mode)