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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/drflanigan on 2024-04-10 04:58:45.

I am fascinated with this concept

Normally horror movies have cops/boyfriends/landlords/parents/whoever that just go “nah toots you’re crazy get outta here” before they all get murdered

But sometimes they don’t immediately dismiss everything, or they are shown the supernatural shit pretty early in the movie and then join the protagonist

And I don’t mean like a group of friends who are all afflicted figuring stuff out, I am talking about like the cliche dismissive role that falls onto a parent of a child, or a boyfriend of the final girl, or usually, the cops who show up

I am sure there is a name for this trope, but I am curious about the opposite, where the traditionally dismissive character actually believes the main characters without immediately dying 2 seconds later

Insidious does this, where the husband is initially skeptical but wants to support his wife, and eventually believes the supernatural things going on

The Outsider (TV Show) has the detective follow along with the supernatural plot, also initially skeptical, but continues to help

It Follows is also pretty similar, where the group of friends don’t immediately just dismiss their friends “curse” and walk away

I find this type of perspective so much more refreshing because it adds a logical character into the mix, who may not be experiencing the supernatural events themselves, but still try to help

I want to see movies where the child says “mommy there is a monster in my closet” and mommy gets a fucking gun to investigate and stays paranoid instead of going “it’s just a bad dream sweetie”

Any recommendations?