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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/multiocumshooter on 2024-04-10 03:47:02.

Not today but a couple days ago, only found out today.

The other day I was doing some work on company equipment. I was doing a job that I’ve never done before in my life, a king pin for the steering axle, to those of you who know the industry.

Since I was new to this I decided to consult the service manual and one of my co-workers. At one point, I needed to remove a part called the “key”. There was only one I had to remove, or so I thought…… my coworker told me that there were actually two and I needed to remove them both. I looked around and could only see one, not two. I decided to look it up in the manual and there it was, two were needed. I was really confused since I only saw one. I decided to call this coworker over to show me the second one. He looked for a couper seconds and couldn’t show me but he told me that it’s there I just got to keep looking. I looked some more and eventually came to the (very dumb) thought that there must only be one. My thinking at the time was, the service manual has been wrong before, telling me on specification when it’s the other, and if the guy helping me couldn’t tell me right away where it was, then he may have been confusing the type of equipment I was working on with another one.

So then, long story short , I was pressing out the part I was removing, the king pin, and bam came out. What I didn’t know at the time was the force that the press was using was way too much do what it should’ve been normally( gee I wonder why?). Well I left a nice scratch where the pin sits, and now the company has to buy a whole new axle to fix my FU. A little over $10k.

Where I work isn’t too bad, I probably won’t get punished other than a warning, but I’m now the laughing stock of my department. I guess next time, if someone who knows more than me tells you something, I should probably listen to them.

TL;DR: didn’t listen to my coworker and now I’ve damaged company equipment to the tune of $10k