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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/poggod on 2024-04-10 05:11:31.

Earlier today I smoked a little too much weed and was half freaking out. I needed something to mindlessly focus on and it was our first 70 degree day of the year so I said fuck it, imma mow the lawn.

Now, I have a push mower but the self propulsion doesn’t work anymore, so you have to push the thing the whole time. It’s heavy asf and actually a damn good workout. I also have noise canceling headphones I wear while I mow, that at full volume almost completely drone out the noise of the mower.

So I throw some Hans Zimmer on at full blast and start mowing. About 2 mins in my dog dropped his ball in my path, and I had to stop mowing to throw it for him. When I got back to the mower I just grabbed the handles and started mowing again. Here’s where the problem starts, I let go of the mowers handles (which makes it turn off) and then just grabbed the handles again and started pushing.

My dumb ass pushed a heavy lawn mower around the yard for 40 minutes before I realized it wasn’t actually cutting grass. I was in such a bliss enjoying nature and Hans Zimmers genius that it didn’t click until I got to the last section of my yard, which is down a little drainage ditch where the grass is noticeably longer that it clicked. I can’t imagine what my neighbors though as they walked past a kid pushing a non running lawn mower around his yard

Tl;DR: I got super high and started mowing my lawn to calm myself down. My noise canceling headphones were too loud, I forgot to turn the mower on, and I pushed a non running mower around the lawn for 40 mins before I realized it was off.