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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/ilikewatchingtv1995 on 2024-04-10 05:55:57.

Original Title: I hate that I have to bring this situation to reddit. I have a non verbal autistic child who is not even potty trained.The school is not even working with me, instead I honestly feel like they are bullying me. My child is 11yrs old.

Here’s the story. My child comes home from school with a horrific injury in a very inappropriate area. I sent my child to school that day without a bruise or injury, and my child is non verbal so obviously my child can’t tell me what happened. Part of our routine is when my child comes home I give my kid a shower, and that’s when I saw the injury and I felt like dropping dead. My child was limping wasn’t really walking around or running much, which isn’t normal my child loves running around. Instead my child was oversleeping and exhausted. I take my child to the pediatrician and the pediatrician suggested for me to call cps on the school and I did. And they then call cps on me accusing me of the worst. Now the cps worker is on my side. He showed me allegations that the school made against me. I requested a safety transfer and the school is refusing even to work with me. They completely ignored the safety transfer and I handed it in exactly the way the DOE told me to. A meeting was arranged to speak about the injury they never told me what happened instead the school has been deflecting the whole time. I ended up needing a lawyer because they are playing very dirty. I was never notified about the injury and I know they saw it because they change my child’s diaper in school every day. I’m not even looking for money I just want my child in a decent school that feel like I can trust and my child will be safe. But they are making it impossible it’s been a nightmare all I want is the safety transfer. I’ve been compliant this whole time and the cps worker and the lawyer both said so. They keep calling me one day I woke up and it was a phone call from the school and the sun hasn’t even risen properly yet it was still kind of dark out. I just want my child safe I never want to see my child looking like they were abused ever again. What do I do? They are making this incredibly difficult for me because like I said they’re refusing to work with me at all. I apologize in advance for the typos I’m not even thinking straight. I don’t understand how I’ve done my part and have the school reporting nonstop. I was told by social workers, cps workers, doctors, and my lawyer that I have been getting everything done and I’m doing a good job. Why is the school doing this to me?😭😭 I’m not asking I’m begging for help and I beg anybody that responds for kindness please.