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The original was posted on /r/movies by /u/drstevenbrule091 on 2024-04-10 06:27:18.

I watched this movie for the first time with my wife right when it came out. She wasn’t a huge movie person, she was mostly watching it because it was my night to pick what was on the tv. We both kind of liked it, and I remember the ending being really emotional and we talked for a while about what it meant and then I never really thought about it again. Fast forward, my wife passed away last July, sparing details I’ve been a fucking wreck since then, but last weekend my best friend came to visit and said this movie was on his list and I said I’d watch it again if he was into it. By the end we were both crying laughing and especially at the end he said “this is like if I Think You Should Leave made a movie length sketch” and we were fucking hysterical. Completely changed my thoughts on the movie and made me think really hard about the context you see things in. TLDR: If you’re hurting and need a reminder of how fuckin important and cool friendship is, Swiss Army Man fuckin rules.