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The original was posted on /r/autism by /u/Forestdreaming on 2024-04-10 03:38:37.

I have these episodes and I’m not sure what to call them. I don’t have health insurance so I don’t have very much support. Today while working( I drive around for work) I was texting with my 3 bosses and I had asked them why a part of my delivery wasn’t filled last night like we had previously discussed through text the day before. They started saying they didn’t know what I was talking about and saying things like “who trained her” and how they wouldn’t mess up. Eventually one of them realized they had actually forgotten. One of the other ones continued saying he had no idea about it and he isn’t wrong and I’m wrong for not leaving him a note and also that i needed to learn to communicate. I sent him a screenshot of our conversation proving I had communicated to them and they had agreed to add the missing items later. Instead of any apology or even acknowledging my texts he flat out ignored me. I was so upset and confused for all the negative response I received I started feeling ill and violently shaking. I had to pull over my car and I was crying. I am just so confused how to get along with these people. Even when I do communicate I get in trouble. I’m not good at understanding others all the time, as most of us aren’t, but my one boss is especially hard. Everything I do is wrong. I called my mom and she talked me down some but I could barely form words and was rocking and shaking. I’m just wondering if this is just regular anxiety (which I have sever anxiety) or something else. I’m so overwhelmed at work with the constant back and forth and trying to navigate what I call the “social rules” I just feel like they’re waiting for me to mess up and think im a freak. If anyone has these episodes what do you do?? I can’t even think during them and they’re really embarrassing…