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The original was posted on /r/lifeprotips by /u/Loeb123 on 2023-06-26 13:39:13+00:00.

Title. A new bar opened right under where we live and placed several speakers right below the ceiling to play music.

Now, every time they play music our floor and walls tremble and we are stuck hearing a bass rythm for hours.

We have tried asking them to tune down the music a bit, but they just ignore us and after a couple days at most we get back to hearing all that crap.

We have a baby and she wakes up crying every time they play their shitty music. Now I am done trying to talk with them.

Is there any efficient way we can deal with this?

Thanks a ton for your help.

Edit: to clarify, we bought the house, we are not on rent. Moving rn is not an option for us.