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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/WhosThisFeckingGuy on 2023-07-27 18:28:08.

My (21M) sister (17F) has this boyfriend who is always around. He acts like he lives here. They’ve been dating for two years, so he’s gotten really comfortable with our family and our house. My little brother (14) is sick right now, and it has been really stressful. When I’m not at school I’m either at the hospital with my 14yo brother or at home watching my 8yo brother. It has been a lot.

This morning I was in the kitchen making food to bring to my parents at the hospital, when who should walk in? My sister’s boyfriend. He asked me if I wanted help cooking, and I said no (he doesn’t even know how to cook). He then proceeded to just stand there in the kitchen, getting in my way. I asked what he was doing, and he said he was waiting for me to be done. I asked why, and he said he was going to make something.

I told him that maybe he should go to his house and use his kitchen then. He said he wasn’t trying to bother me. I said that he is bothering me, and I’m sick of him always being here invading our space. I can’t even relax in my own home the rare moments I get to myself because he’s always here. He said I wasn’t being fair, and that he’s scared for my brother too, and I shouldn’t take it out on him.

I told him to shut up, that he has no idea what he’s talking about and to go home. Then he said it’s important to stick together when there’s a tragedy. I said yeah, families stick together, but he isn’t a member of our family, so let us have a day or two a week to ourselves and leave us alone once in a while. Then he left.

My sister was pissed when she came down twenty minutes later. She said I’m a mean bitter douchebag. She said I had no right to say that to her boyfriend, and he’s her guest, so he can come over whenever he wants. I didn’t want to fight with her, so I just said fine. Was I really being a douchebag though? Why is this guy always here??