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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/ia1v1chem on 2023-07-27 19:45:30.

Background: wife is fine usually but likes to get into verbal confrontations with people that she disagree with when out in public (ie restaraunt servers, TSA, fast food workers, random passerbys , drivers)

Today, we went to a fast food joint and one of the coupons she gave didn’t work. The manager who was trying to expedite the line by walking up to cars and her have had an issue before but is generally helpful (he comes off a little abrasive but from an outsiders perspective it’s because of a cultural/language barrier not disrespect).

Usually I would chalk it up to next time (especially with a busy line during rush hour) or ask very nicely if there is anything they could do. However, she likes to say stuff like “I remember you from last time” “you don’t need to give us a discount we wont come here anymore” and generally confronts them from an entitled angle.

I didn’t say anything but might have covered my face as I was embarrassed.

On the way back she asked what I thought of that interaction. And I asked if she really wanted to know or if we should forget about it since it’s not a big deal in the grand scheme of things. She opted for the former so I told her that if she wanted favorable results , it’s more productive to clearly state your grievances politely. (She didn’t like that)

On the way back, we were at a red light for a couple minutes. She was commenting about the light and that I should pass the red light since it’s been a few cycles.

I got a bit upset with her and told her that I’m just following the laws of the city and to take it up with them if she has an issue.

I’m probably an AH for mentioning that but generally speaking throughout these interactions, AITA?

Thanks in advance