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The original was posted on /r/nightofthefullmoon by /u/Rare_Scholar_8218 on 2024-06-02 09:40:04+00:00.
Seems they took my complains from reports and this reddit (doubt they saw it but hey) and FINALLY fixed some of those translations I didn’t like!
I also love how they changed all the cards a bit more to display damage as “DMG” but don’t really enjoy the “Removed” instead of “Exiled” cause I have known “Removed” as either permanently gone from your inventory or just from the battle.
Removing free revivals INSANELY balanced out the game, now it’s actually a challenge and not a “Die 3 times in the beginning, pick up blessings and GG”!
I’m so thankful that after a… 9 month or so wait they gave us free content rather than making us pay for Little Magician. (That is, if you owned the Collector’s Edition, if not I think you’re gonna need it)
My review went from 2 stars to 5 stars instantly, no more translation errors nor Facebook failing on me.
I think I’m definitely going to be talking here more frequently now, so if anyone needs some unofficial help feel free to hmu.
And seems there’s some new secrets on Normal mode, that’s all I’m going to say. ;)