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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/InternationalYear828 on 2023-07-28 20:46:03.

I’m a 26f he’s a 26m. Been together 5 years, lived together 4. He’s been in his undergrad this whole time because he changed schools and degrees multiple times and has failed classes and had to retake. I’ve been a software engineer for three years and bought a house a year ago. He does not pay the mortgage or utilities, he just occasionally throws me about $500 whenever his dad gives him money. Not every month. I also pay almost all of our food expenses and the expenses for both of our cats. He had one job for 3 months in the last 5 years but that was it. He cannot handle alcohol. He had a sober year in 2021 to see if he could do it but that was it. Almost every time he drinks he binges and throws up before he’s even that drunk.

Last night was the second of two times in my house he had vomited NOT in a trash can or toilet. First time was in our bedroom. I did most of the cleaning then since he was too drunk. He ruined our mattress topper and never replaced it. This time I was not home because I had to perform in a show and he was being a drunk jerk as we were pulling out of the driveway so I told him to get out and he stayed home. When I got home at midnight the living room smelled like alcohol. He called me twice on the way home, never mentioned he vomited.

He says he spilled a drink but cleaned it up. I look on the ground and see splash marks reaching all the way from the couch to the TV. I look at him and say “Oh my god you vomited didn’t you?” Then I got some spray and started spraying everywhere I saw these. He was obviously not too drunk to clean so I threw the paper towels at him and told him to wipe up and I went to bed. I woke up this morning to finding more splatter in the room that were too hard to see without natural light. I had to tell him to clean again more thoroughly and which cleaners to use on which surfaces because I knew if I did not then he could ruin the floors or the leather or the suede foot rest.

This may be the straw that broke the camel’s back but I’m feeling done. I don’t want to live with him anymore. Not saying we need to break up but he needs to find a place if his own if he’s going to do this. The bare minimum is that you don’t drunk projectile vomit twice in one year in a home you don’t even pay rent in and don’t know how to clean. But he’s making me feel like I’m overreacting or being too hard on him. WIBTA for asking him to move out?