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The original was posted on /r/tifu by /u/Defiant_Bad_9070 on 2024-06-17 10:05:04+00:00.

Let me explain on how my dumb ADHD arse managed to do that.

Firstly. I fly interstate a LOT. I live 15 minutes from the airport and my job has me flying interstate to customers job sites with short notice. Usually a week, but sometimes… Just a couple of days. I usually fly in and back out the same day.

Before you start taking guesses at what I’m doing… Nothing fancy. I repair commercial/industrial 3D printers. They’re purchased with service contracts and when they stop working, customers are losing a lot of money, so they pay good money to have me out there at the drop of a hat.

Her job has her working incredibly long hours on the regular.

I had a planned visit for Perth, which is the other side of the country for me. Always an overnight at the least.

As luck would have it, there machine breaks down and these guys are high usage and high reliance.

So I bring my trip forwards a few days. Because of her hours at the time, I basically saw her for 2hrs a day before climbing into bed and I would be up before she does.

So in the two days leading up to my trip I completely forget to let her know that Perth has been moved forwards. Fuck up #1

I wake up, kiss her goodbye and tell her I will see her in a couple of days, will let her know that I’ve landed safely and call her from the hotel tonight.

It’s early and I know she won’t remember any of it despite her acknowledgement of what I said, but I tell her anyway.

Once I land, my luggage (tool cases) is missing. While they track it down, I call the boss to let him know what’s occured, call the customer to let them know and just as I finish typing out a message to that gorgeous woman… Phone rings. It’s the airline and they’ve found my bag. Remember my dumb ADHD arse? Yet, it didn’t press send but convinced itself it did. Fuck up #2 not that it would have much difference.

I go about my day, everything goes smoothly, even managed to find the time to make a FB post about the random shit I hear in airports… “It smells nice in here!” She gives it a laughing emoji.

My friends. It got worse.

I posted a picture of my hotel room and the spa. They upgraded my room. “Livin’ the luxe life here in Perth”

No sooner had I flopped my arse on to the bed and started a rolling through Uber for dinner when my phone rings.

It was my good lady wife and she was not happy. How the ever living actual fuck do you forget to tell someone you’re flying interstate for 2 nights? Why did I not send my usual message when I landed? What about dinner tomorrow night?

And there we go… Fuck up #3.

Tomorrow night’s dinner was at her favourite restaurant. Well, it was originally. Except I called to change the reservation for a few days later.

Yes my beloved Redditor, I had managed to remember to call the restaurant and advised them we won’t be making it, but I couldn’t remember to tell the most important person in my life that I wouldn’t be home for a few days.

Upon my return. I grovelled. I begged. I pleaded and was eventually given leniency on 3 conditions. 1, to not be so dumb in the future. 2, Kill every spider without rolling my eyes or uttering the words “stop overreacting, it’s not poisonous” (we live in Australia, it most likely is poisonous) 3, I had to wash and detail her car with as much love and attention as I give mine.

I feel I got off lightly.

No, I haven’t lived it down yet. Yes she has forgiven me but brings it up at least every 2-3 days and will probably continue to do so for the rest of my life. She insists on telling people about how her partner decided to run away and elope… By himself.

God that woman is amazing. God I’m the luckiest sonofabitch dumbarse ever.

Babe, if you see this. I’m sorry and I love you! And lastly, incase I forget …I’m in Sydney tomorrow but home the same day! 😂

TL;DR Flew interstate, forgot to tell my partner. Made a series of unfortunate mistakes to make it worse. I get forgiven but not allowed to forget.