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The original was posted on /r/linux_gaming by /u/Goorus on 2024-06-24 03:01:50+00:00.

These were the times :D

One had some Linux native open source games in the repos. One had things like Cedega or tried his luck with wine.

I don’t know how often I had to work with my beloved “dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg”, or pstree with killall.

Now I’m looking back into gaming on Linux again, and compared to this, we reached paradise :D

Huge thanks to everyone working on wine*, the guys working on dxvk and vulcan, and somehow obviously also to Valve.

(Ok, the transition to wayland wasn’t smoothe everywhere, would have prefered for the distros to stay with X till wayland works well, till nvidia has drivers ready, till kde/gnome at least are ready to not scare new people coming from ‘end-of-win10’ away…but it really has come a long way :))

*For newbies, the stuff with wine + winetricks + wtf are prefixes could become more intuitive someday