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The original was posted on /r/steamdeck by /u/PlanetCharisma on 2024-06-25 01:01:29+00:00.

I assume nobody cares but thought I would share my story. I’m in my 30’s now and have never had any interest in PC gaming. I haven’t played a computer game consistently since The Magic School Bus in elementary school and I think Triple Play Baseball 2001 was the last computer game I really remember playing at all. I’ve always had Nintendo systems to play games with my wife, and Playstation I usually play sports games with friends; I’ve mainly been a lapsed solo gamer.

However, I took the plunge to get a Steam Deck for its portability and love it. I’ve put more hours on it in the past week than I honestly have on video games by myself in the past few years combined. It’s also so cool over the course of time that I can play games that are both Xbox and Playstation (I’ve never played past Halo 2 and bought that whole pack). My only regret is not getting a Steam Deck sooner!