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The original was posted on /r/paranormal by /u/N_O_M_Y on 2024-06-26 03:22:32+00:00.

Not long ago, my mom and I were talking about ghosts and scary stuff (since the house she has now is also haunted (she’s lucky…)) and she told me the scariest story she could possibly tell me.

(Sorry for the mistakes, French girl here, tried my best :) )

That day, she needed to do the laundry. For that, you need to get downstairs in the basement. She got downstairs and while her way down, she started to feel anxious, watched, a bit scared… you know that weird bad feeling that tells yourself you should not stay there. But like I said, she needed to do laundry. So that’s what she did.

She was putting the clothes in the washing machine. This feeling was still there and was growing. She tried to not give it attention, to keep doing what she was doing. But the sensation of being watched was now more menacing than before, so it was harder for her to just ignoring it. And then, while she was still putting the clothes in the washing machine, she heard something growl. A low long menacing growl, but it was coming far from her. So my courageous mom decided to stay there, just going faster, because now she was truly scared (understandable). A couple of seconds after, she heard it again, a bit more closer to her, a lot more menacing. She finally started that washing machine. Now she needed to take the clean clothes and bring them upstairs. While she was taking them to transfer them in a basket, she heard it again, it was closer. So close that she felt its breath caressing her neck. In panic, she (finally!) decided to just get upstairs, getting out of the basement.

Not even after she got to like the third step, she felt something grabbing her foot (not exactly but you know). She almost fell at the hold and again, she heard this growl. Luckily she didn’t fall, so she kept going, faster, scared. Then, not even at the half of it, she suddenly lost her breath. She described it like someone is strangling her, just without the feeling of hands around the neck. And she also felt like a hold on her, making it harder for her to step upstairs. It’s like someone was pushing her, forcing her to get back in the basement. Fell at that sudden hold she felt. Without air, she literally needed to crawl upstairs. Plus, she was pregnant at the time, so just imagine how harder it was to crawl and get out of this situation.

She finally reached the door, she said as soon as she passed that door and she closed it, her breath came back immediately and she was no longer feeling this weird feeling and this sensation of being watched. She was now safe.

I was sleeping in that basement and I never felt or experienced something like it. I don’t know why… maybe since she’s religious, something bad tried to I don’t know, hurt her or something. If someone has an explanation or questions, it would be great to read it and I’ll be glad to answer.

(I can also ask her for more stories, she experienced a lot of paranormal stuff (maybe not as scary as that one but I promise they are still scary)

Thanks for reading :)