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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/c-o-n-t-e-n-t on 2024-06-26 12:27:10+00:00.

I am relatively new to home assistant but I have gained some experience in the past few months.

All of my house is connected, including my Ring alarm. I was wondering, if I add the alarm control to my tablet - what is stopping any intruder entering my home simply walking to the tablet and disabling the alarm?

I looked into permissions on Home Assistant and it seems like there is actually no way to restrict access to a specific entity to specific users (I would have prevented any users from accessing the alarm, and only let them access the sensors).

I also thought of locking the tablet with a passcode - but this is a bit off putting to do that as the all point is easy access.

Lastly I thought of adding some sort of automation to lock the tablet when the alarm is on and unlocking it when off - but I am not sure how to approach this yet.

It goes without saying that a sophisticated attacker with access to the WiFi can easily go to the logbook on home assistant, find the alarm and disarm it.

I am wondering how folks approach this. Maybe I am just paranoid- but having the alarm on/off on the dashboard in the center of my home would completely bypass the alarm security