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The original was posted on /r/antiwork by /u/Miniteshi on 2024-06-27 19:00:05+00:00.

I’m turning 40 this year and have been working since I was 16. Management made it insanely toxic over the past few weeks being immensely bitter about me being the 4th person to quit within the space of a month it’s insane.

My wife and I went over and over again through the finances and it’s going to work really well. I can finally finish the renovations on the house, I can enjoy spending time with the kids and the wife. I can rebuild myself mentally and physically. I can go out and enjoy hobbies too!

So many customers were shocked and sad that I was leaving and hate being served by management and some of the other staff. Most have reported that they won’t be planning on shopping there long term just because of that alone which is shocking.

A lot of them are local so I’ll still see them around. Sad saying goodbye to the regulars and the good colleagues that are left.

I won’t miss the early shifts or the super late closes. I won’t miss much if anything about that place.

I’m done and I can finally start living again!