This is an automated archive made by the Lemmit Bot.

The original was posted on /r/singularity by /u/Competitive_Travel16 on 2024-06-28 20:26:44+00:00.

So, I took the debate transcript and the official fact-check, replaced “Biden” with “Bob” and “Trump” with “Tom” throughout, uploaded both to Claude 3.5, and asked it to score the debate on persuasiveness to undecided voters, honesty, and rhetorical skill. Here’s what it said:

I’ll go through the transcript chronologically, evaluating each candidate’s responses on the three criteria you’ve specified: (A) persuasiveness to undecided voters, (B) honesty, and © rhetorical skill. I’ll use a scale of 1-10 for each criterion, with 10 being the highest score.

Bob’s opening response on the economy:

A: 7 - Addresses kitchen table issues, mentions job creation

B: 6 - Some exaggerations, but generally factual

C: 6 - Clear points, but somewhat disjointed

Tom’s response on the economy:

A: 8 - Strong appeal to economic success during his term

B: 4 - Several misleading claims about the economy

C: 7 - Confident delivery, effective use of contrast

Bob’s rebuttal on the economy:

A: 6 - Attempts to counter Tom’s claims, but less compelling

B: 7 - More factually accurate overall

C: 5 - Defensive tone, less coherent

Tom on tariffs:

A: 6 - Appeals to economic nationalism

B: 3 - Misleading claims about tariffs’ effects

C: 7 - Simple, memorable messaging

Bob on debt and taxes:

A: 6 - Attempts to appeal to middle class

B: 5 - Some accurate points, some exaggerations

C: 5 - Clear message, but somewhat rambling

Tom on debt and taxes:

A: 7 - Strong appeal to his base

B: 4 - Several misleading claims

C: 8 - Effective use of attack lines

Bob on abortion:

A: 7 - Clear stance on reproductive rights

B: 7 - Generally accurate representation of his position

C: 6 - Passionate, but sometimes unfocused

Tom on abortion:

A: 6 - Appeals to pro-life voters, but may alienate moderates

B: 4 - Several misleading claims about abortion policies

C: 7 - Effective framing for his base

Bob on immigration:

A: 6 - Attempts to show action on border security

B: 5 - Some accurate points, some exaggerations

C: 5 - Defensive, less coherent

Tom on immigration:

A: 8 - Strong appeal to voters concerned about border security

B: 3 - Numerous false or misleading claims

C: 8 - Vivid imagery, effective use of fear

Bob on Ukraine:

A: 7 - Projects strength in foreign policy

B: 6 - Generally accurate, some exaggerations

C: 6 - Clear message, but sometimes meandering

Tom on Ukraine:

A: 7 - Appeals to anti-intervention sentiment

B: 4 - Several misleading claims about foreign policy

C: 7 - Effective use of contrast with Bob

Bob on January 6th:

A: 7 - Appeals to voters concerned about democracy

B: 7 - Generally accurate account

C: 6 - Passionate, but sometimes unfocused

Tom on January 6th:

A: 5 - May appeal to his base, but likely alienates moderates

B: 3 - Several false or misleading claims

C: 6 - Deflects effectively, but defensive

Bob on age concerns:

A: 5 - Attempts to address concerns, but not fully convincing

B: 7 - Generally honest about his record

C: 5 - Somewhat defensive, less articulate

Tom on age concerns:

A: 6 - Projects energy, but may not fully address concerns

B: 4 - Some exaggerations about his fitness

C: 7 - Confident delivery, effective use of contrast

Bob’s closing statement:

A: 7 - Focuses on kitchen table issues

B: 6 - Generally accurate, some exaggerations

C: 6 - Clear points, but somewhat disjointed

Tom’s closing statement:

A: 8 - Strong appeal to his base and frustrated voters

B: 4 - Several misleading claims

C: 8 - Effective summary of his key messages

This analysis shows that both candidates had strengths and weaknesses throughout the debate, with Tom generally scoring higher on persuasiveness and rhetorical skill, while Bob tended to score higher on honesty. However, these scores varied significantly depending on the specific topic and moment in the debate.

Bob’s totals:

A (Persuasiveness): 82

B (Honesty): 76

C (Rhetorical Skill): 67

Tom’s totals:

A (Persuasiveness): 86

B (Honesty): 44

C (Rhetorical Skill): 86

[So “Tom” is seen to be more persuasive this way, but a lot less honest. I cant shake the feeling it knows exactly which two people and what this is all about.]