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The original was posted on /r/monero by /u/OrdinaryCatch3772 on 2024-06-29 07:38:50+00:00.

Hello everyone, I’d like to expand on a thought I had the other day: I think the reason Monero isn’t taking off compared to its potential is because it’s too far ahead of the real world.

I think Monero will be a huge thing in 30 or 40 years’ time, but we will just have to be patient. Like, VERY patient. I think having even one full XMR could be a crazy thing by 2060 or 2070.

To understand Monero, you need to understand Bitcoin. Logical, since Monero was inspired by Bitcoin in the first place.

But people who know Monero well often forget that:

  • For many people, Bitcoin is still a novelty they haven’t yet understood.
  • For those who know a little, they think Bitcoin is an alternative, fungible and anonymous payment system.
  • For those who know a lot, Bitcoin’s flaws are obvious (non-fungibility, traceability of transactions etc.) and they know about Monero.

But Monero is known to very few people worldwide, and understood by even fewer. These people will come little by little, but it will take a very long time.

So I think Monero’s main flaw (and only one?) is that it meets a need that people are not yet aware of. Hence the ridiculous price of the token for such an incredible project