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The original was posted on /r/perth by /u/rsgiggerota on 2024-06-29 20:25:22+00:00.

The mods won’t let me post in r/australia for some reason, so i’m trying here.

Hello all,

I come to you with a really stupid problem.

I applied for citizenship by descent, and was approved.

There have been a bunch of problems with my name being the same as my fathers’ and grandfathers’. An example would be the coroner not being able to use the same name for three sections of my dads’ death certificate- him, his father, and next of kin. The computerized forms won’t accept it.

The people in your government have the same problem. Lets say my name is John Doe Smith- (first) John (middle) Doe (last) Smith.

Someone creatively modded my name and my citizenship certificate was sent as:

(first) John


(last) Doe Smith JR

It reads correctly as it’s all printed in a line- other than the ‘JR’ added.

The Australian consulate has rejected my passport application because I showed up to my appointment with ID and birth certificate showing my last name as ‘Smith’, not ‘Doe Smith JR’.

They cant correct it and only direct me to and they have the same phone number for contact as the Aus embassy in washington DC.

Everyone I’ve contacted via email and phone at the immi site and Aus embassy all see it and agree it’s an error, but no one can put me in touch with who can actually make the correction.

Does anyone have any ideas that aren’t the immi website and google results?

Who is the actuall person who can make name corrections, and how do I contact that specific person?
