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The original was posted on /r/soccer by /u/AutoModerator on 2024-06-30 08:02:07+00:00.

Guuuuuten-more-gun /r/soccer! Apparently I spelt this wrong last week… In my defence they don’t teach forren languages in British schools, as we are too busy learning arrogance and passive aggressiveness - and after all everyone speaks our language anyway. Don’t @ me.


As it is summer, and international tournament season, the mod team have decided to throw caution to the wind, and trial a sticky thread which has been suggested on several occasions in meta threads, and via other community feedback.

For a few weeks only, we are going to relax the rules, and host a “shitpost” thread - or meme thread (the shitpost title works well for alliteration).

Feel free to share any images, memes, posts from X/Instagram/Facebook or any other low-hanging fruit which we tend to take a sterner view on in the Daily Discussion Thread or as submissions - let’s just kick back and have a bit more of a laugh, if you go in for that sort of thing.

Of course, not everyone does go in for that sort of thing, we understand. That’s fine, you can just ignore this thread - the idea of keeping it in a thread is it means it doesn’t affect the experience for anyone who doesn’t like memes and shitposts. No harm done.

We aim to sticky this thread on Sundays over the next few weeks, and as the Euros are being hosted in Germany we thought we’d give it a slightly Deutsche branding (sorry South Americans, but we all know the Eurocentric mods hate you etc).

There are, however, still some rules (we do not want a repeat of the infamous Christmas Day incident of a few years back). Namely:

  1. Follow reddiquette. Essentially - remember the other user, and don’t be (too much of) an arsehole.
  2. No racism, homophobia, xenophobia, transphobia, sexism, ableism or other offensive behaviour. We are still going to moderate this thread, bear in mind.
  3. Content must be football-related - if you want to shitpost about the UK General Election, or the value of the Argentinian peso, then there are other subreddits for that
  4. Keep it fun. This is low key and for a laugh. If you want to be serious then we have the whole rest of the subreddit for that.
  5. No meta discussion - that’s what our Modmail inbox is for.

Note: if this works well, maybe we make it a permanent thing?