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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/NecessaryHot6737 on 2023-07-29 22:26:10.

AITA? Im 20 and live with my 28 year old sister. Ive been living with her since I was 16. Since I’ve turned 18, she told me that I would have to start contributing to her rent and bills if I wanted to continue living with her. I told her that if she wanted me to pay any bills in the house, then I would no longer watch her two children (four and two) for free anymore and she would have to pay me for the childcare. She works a 9 to 5 Monday through Friday and while she’s gone I watch her kids for her. I am in University and take classes online so it’s easy to multitask plus her four year old is in preschool half day and Im the one that picks her up and drops her off.

Because of my contributions, I expect to be treated like a roommate in her apartment. I may not pay any rent, but that doesn’t mean that I’m not contributing to the household in terms of childcare. She cannot afford daycare, the ones in our area charge around 2000 for two children every month she doesn’t even pay that in rent. She still chastises me on certain things like not paying for food or my phone bill.

I also can barely have a social life or even a weekend job because I’m always expected to watch her her kids so I can live with her rent free and she often uses that to her own advantage and during weekends doesn’t come home at all.

I’m sick of it and was ranting to a friend from school about it and she told me that one of her roommates was moving out at the end of this month to go back to her homestate after a horrible family tragedy happened, and this roommate in particular had paid rent upfront for the entire lease that doesn’t end until October so she would be cool with having me in that room for free until the lease ends and so I can get back on my feet and land a job that I can pay the rent for the nee one. I couldn’t pass up on this offer that I knew I would never get again so I made the choice to move out.

I waited to tell my sister since it’s her birthday weekend at the end of July and I knew she had plans and wasn’t planning to come home and I was gonna watch her kids as a final goodbye. She came back from her trip yesterday and I finally sat down and told her that I was moving out in the beginning of August. She started crying asking how I could do do this to her, knowing that she can’t afford childcare and doesn’t qualify for assistance and that she will have to come up with another form of child care, and might have to drive an hour to take her kids to our grandparents so they can watch them and that would be a huge inconvenience to her and then she doesn’t know if she can handle both the financial responsibilities of rent and daycare and she will probably have to move out and I’m basically ruining her life. That she let me live with her rent free in that I’m just now leaving her and her kids high and dry and I’m a huge asshole.