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The original was posted on /r/perth by /u/nyiyx on 2024-07-01 05:21:32+00:00.

My dad was the sole bread winner for our family of 4 as a blue collar worker. We grew up on a large property, the property they bought was 90k, so 3 x his income. With all the disposable income left over after paying off their house, we went on international holidays almost every year & had new utes, laptops etc often. Their house sold during covid for $1.25 mil.

Compare that to me and my partner. We both have a degree. Both worked since we were 14 in some kind of job. We’ve both been renting since we were 18. Both now have 110k HECS debt (combined) - which was going up at a rate faster than we could pay it off. We both don’t drink or take drugs.

Renting at $520 a week. Incomes are mediocre at best (82k & 86k). We have managed to save $160k while renting (we saved 60% of our income for a few years); and yet we still feel like we can’t buy something that will suit our needs within reach of our city jobs. A house is now 10 x my income.

We have both agreed that we won’t be having kids, because we simply have to choose between the stability of a house or kids.

I feel hopeless and have lost faith in our government. Does anyone know how to organise a legal protest? Can we start a campaign on Won’t these politicians PLEASE think of the younger generation? Does anyone have any advice?

It makes me want to leave Perth, although I’d always dreamed of living here.

Edit: removing some minor details for anonymity reasons as this post has now reached 40k people supposedly.