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The original was posted on /r/highstrangeness by /u/Aspiestos on 2024-06-29 15:38:44+00:00.

I had entered a public bathroom where all of the stalls were open except one. It was not locked though and I was thinking of picking that one for my bathroom visit but decided not to because the way it was closed when the others were open made me think it could be preoccupied. Like what if someone was there but they had simply forgot to lock the door?

It all happened within seconds but as I was about to step inside the open stall next to it, I noticed the handle of the closed stall started to rattle. And not just a small rattle like vibrating, it was like someone was continuously pushing it halfway down and then back up REALLY fast! I was so confused by this that I just walked into my stall like nothing happened.

I was inside the stall now and it was completely quiet. The stall of weirdness next to me had not opened (it would’ve made a sound had it done so). Also I had closed the door to the bathroom upon entering so would someone leave the bathroom, it would also make a sound. Not to mention sounds of footsteps would someone leave.

Soon afterwards I exited the stall. The stall next to me, still closed but not locked. I washed my hands, keeping an eye on the stall. What if someone had just a seizure there and them grabbing the handle during the seizure was what made it rattle? It felt extremely stupid and a bit scary but I decided to ask if anyone was there and if no reply, then open the stall extremely carefully.

The stall was empty.