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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/Financial-Barnacle54 on 2023-07-29 23:41:12.

During my sophomore year of college, I lived in a quad with three other girls. Two of them I got along with well but one of them was odd. She was very rude and inconsiderate of others. She had a dog that she will keep locked in a kennel for hours, and if we took him out would yell at us. She would constantly to get in fights with neighbors, she was very messy and would throw up everywhere drunk, and would refuse to clean it up saying she had a hangover the next morning. But above all she was a huge thief. Things would start going missing from all of us. Makeup, extensions, clothes, jewelry. Small things that you just assume you misplaced. It wasn’t until we realize it was happening to all three of us that we start thinking it was her.

Things really took a turn when she ended up stealing a locket that contained a picture of my other roommate and her deceased father. She went CRAZY and refused to be calm down. When we tried to tell her that maybe she just lost it, she said that she knew our roommate stole it. She went into her room while she was gone and lo and behold under her bed was a box and in it was a bunch of our missing jewelry. It was crazy. We took back our things and even considered calling the police, but didn’t know how to prove it. We ended up reporting it to the dean, but since we lived on off campus student housing, we were forced to live with her for the rest of the lease. She got extremely upset we went into her room when she wasn’t there, and actually openly admitted to robbing us saying that nothing was gonna happen to her since it was just hearsay and were bunch of rich spoiled girls so we deserve to be robbed.

That was a while ago. I honestly forgot about my college days. I’m now 29 years old. I am married with two children. My oldest is starting kindergarten this year at a private school school just started this Monday. I’ve been busy so our nanny has been doing pick up and drop off but imagine my complete and utter surprise when yesterday I go and pick up my son and when I enter his classroom I see the same thief from college in the room. When we made eye contact it was so awkward, she looked like she saw a ghost. She is a special education para.

I felt really uncomfortable having her in the same room with my son as a para considering everything she’s done to me, stealing $1000+ worth of clothes hair, make up and accessories from me. I told a few of the other mothers since we have a group chat, and we all decided to go and report her together to the administration and she was fired. None of us want any of our children’s items that are valuable to be stolen. I told my sister about the situation and she got upset saying that career field doesn’t make much money and that the school is one of the only ones that can give you a substantial salary, and I just ruined that for her all over drama that happened years ago and that she could have changed as a person and that I shouldn’t have gotten her fired and reported her and I’m a huge asshole. Am I?