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The original was posted on /r/nixos by /u/jonringer117 on 2024-07-01 16:21:11+00:00.

This is a joint post by jonringer and infinisil to reconcile a recent conflict. For context, infinisil is on the Nix Constitutional Assembly (NCA), which pushed for jonringer’s ban recently. We talked at lengths together to reach a mutual understanding of each others background and situation. We’ve reconciled grievances and identified some key problems to acknowledge and address:

  • infinisil acknowledges that certain people have acted abusive towards jonringer without consequences and apologises for not realising it earlier. infinisil agrees that abusive behavior should not be tolerated under any circumstances, no matter who’s involved and what their views are, and will do everything within his power to ensure that the future community governance structure is equipped to handle such problems. Furthermore, infinisil agrees that the NCA should not have involved itself in this specific moderation decision, and should instead focus on their primary mission. infinisil will have a weekly call with jonringer throughout the next months to welcome his feedback on the NCA’s work.
  • jonringer acknowledges that his relentless pursuit for moderation accountability and related issues of the past few months tended to escalate the situation unnecessarily. What began as a well-intended stance against unacceptable behavior evolved into a much greater situation as other events within the community progressed. Without full context around the circumstances in which decisions were made, many false conclusions were assumed which further embittered the exchange. He sincerely apologises for his escalating behavior and will try to improve going forward. jonringer commits to witholding inflamatory remarks in public discussions regarding community issues, and will instead focus on providing technical help regarding Nix.

The Nix community has experienced a lot of turmoil as of late. Many people have committed transgressions towards each other and many more have felt the effects of these conflicts. While we can’t deny that there are serious problems to be addressed, sometimes just talking and listening to each other is what’s needed. In an attempt to correct the course of the Nix community, the NCA is committed to triaging these wounds while establishing the framework for a more respectful and collaborative environment. We ask the greater Nix community to unite in this shared desire for a better future, NixOS is bestOS!