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The original was posted on /r/exmormon by /u/MochiChomper on 2024-07-03 18:37:14+00:00.

So I’m currently (begrudgingly) a youth in the Church, so I was shoved to FSY this summer, obviously. A couple things I found weird:

  1. There is one Sunday Dress day. We have a 45 minute long class on that day where we split up into YM and YW. The MALE session advisor taught the Young Women’s class, even though his wife was also there. He did her the great honor of letting her speak once though. That’s the only time I think I heard her speak in front of everyone😶
  2. Same session advisor gave us a talk on strengthening our faith during the morning devotional. He started taking about some “grumpy ex-mos” that he tried to convince to come back, but they never did. His reasoning for their very blatant and obvious increase in happiness was that “Jesus’s burden was taken off them”
  3. And contradicting the previos statement, I was in one of the horrificly boring classes and one of the teachers taught us that we actually become LIGHTER when we take on Jesus’s burdens. So it has me wondering which one it actually is?
  4. I HAD TO GIVE A MORNING DEVOTIONAL ABOUT MODESTY/THE LAW OF CHASTITY. I think that was the most awkward thing I’ve ever done in my life omg, plus part of the handbook that I was teaching from said, “Avoid styles that emphasize or draw innapropriate attention to your physical body instead of who you are as a Child of God eith an etetnal future.” There’s definitely something wrong with that but I can’t entirely put my finger on what.

There were a bunch of other things I forgot, but the more I look back on FSY, the more angry I get about it. It was sort of nice to connect with people I guess, but it felt kinda judgy. We had these notebooks where we had to write in the mornings for Gospel Study where we studied for 30 minutes and wrote down our thoughts and I just doodled and played games on my phome, occasionally writing a little side note about how Joseph Smith is a pedophellic fraud or whatever

Also the fire alarm went off during the morning devotional on the last day after the session advisor tried to use kid slang to grab our attention. I think someone else was tired of it, too.