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The original was posted on /r/nosleep by /u/Joske-the-great on 2023-06-27 15:13:30+00:00.

My name is Carl, 28 years old and my wife who I as just married to, Ashley is 27. Prior to our wedding, we had booked a honeymoon trip across the east coast on a cruise ship, all the way from Florida to Bahamas, then to New York and back to Florida.

The view of the ship just as we were about to embark was unbelievably bulk and mesmerizing that it impressed both Ashley and I. Yeah I know cruise ships are big and stuffs, but seeing one in real life really makes you realize how much you would underestimate a rumor until you actually experience it.

Right on the hull of the ship imprinted a huge name that reads ‘Royal Liner’ and beside it was the sign of a star protruding the R word like a spearhead. Below the company logo wrote the ship’s charming name ‘Aurora of the seas’.

As soon as the both of us stepped into the entrance of the ship, we were greeted by a top notch class of hospitality by the staffs. Mr. Schwarz, a security officer asked for our tickets and ID and so we obliged. We went through some final affirmation and security check right before being led to our cabins.

It was late afternoon when we were met with a fabulous scenery inside the ship. It felt like an enormous floating hotel. Each few steps we took, we would pass through countless of hallways and watertight doors. We took the elevator and it brought us to a long hallway.

As we matched one of the doors to our given serial numbers ‘A-314’, I tapped the card against the scanner and the door clicked open, revealing a small yet fancy room with a fairly large window facing the ocean, or much rather the port as we were still yet to depart.

The room induced a claustrophobic feeling within me but it was just enough for Ashley and me. We placed our bags and stuffs on the floor and rested for a moment. Everything felt so freshening and lovely as the smell of the freshly laundered carpets, mattress and curtains breezed against my nose.

Half an hour passed before we heard a bone-chilling horn from the ship; it was departing. The sight of the port we once walked on slowly began to fade out of our view as the background of the vast ocean filled in.

It was evening, and the reflection of the dusk sunlight from the ocean waves pierced through the window. It was then that Ashley shook my arms and gave me a hint that we should start venturing the ship. We were already re-energized by then, so I thought ‘Why not?’.

The first day of the trip was an eye-opening experience. Virtually everything were pleasurable, especially now with the love of my life accompanying me. We went to every place they had to offer, like the theater, casino, museum and the luxury restaurant. The entire trip would take approximately one week, with a day or two to reach Bahamas and the rest to arrive in New York and Florida.

That means I had a week to hang out alone with Ashley, what a moment to live in.

About two days after our ship arrived in the Bahamas seas. The ship stopped near a harbor of an island which I don’t remember the name, but heck, the island was eye-catching. Filled with tropical jungles at the center of the island and sandy beaches along the coast, I couldn’t wait to step on the beautiful isle and interact with the locals.

It was cool, to say the least to enjoy the sea breeze as Ashley and I hung around the island. We bought some souvenirs along the way and chilled at the beaches, drinking Piña Colada while enjoying the sunset.

The ship was scheduled to depart for New York the next day. We ensured everything was not left off before boarding the ship.

As I walked up the bridge that filled the gap between the port and the ship while holding Ashley’s hand, I couldn’t help but notice a shadow gliding below the waters.

I couldn’t tell what it was as it vanished the moment I focused on it. It moved in such a speed that I thought that it was my eyes that were playing with me. The shadow, in such speed, overshot the bridge below us and directly below the ship’s hull. And that was it, gone.

I asked Ashley if she saw that, but she showed a confused face, indicating that she did not even notice the shadow in the first place. She convinced me that I was tired, and needed some rest.

I was unsure, and so I did not think too much of it.

During night time of the same day, we enjoyed some drinks outside the bar at the top deck of the ship, enjoying the view of the night sky. On the deck was full of crowded people, also enjoying the peaceful background. There were people drinking beers, swimming, kids playing around and lively concerts.

Just as Ashley and I were talking about our future, a sense of premonition hit right into my feeling. I couldn’t help myself but getting hit by a wave of deja vu as I looked into Ashley’s face. This was the kind of feeling that has always been associated with me since I was a kid; something bad, really bad was about to happen.

I gestured to Ashley that we should go to somewhere else. She did not hesitate to agree, though she seemed a little disappointed that we had to leave early.

“Why is it honey? You’re not feeling well?”

“Kind of, why not we head to-”

Our conversation was interrupted by a commotion. It came from a crowd that was just gathered around the bar. It was too crowded that it made me unsure of what had just happened. As we approached closer, I asked a guy that stood beside me.

“Excuse me, what is going on?” I asked.

The middle aged man stared at me before answering “I’m not sure, but I’ve been hearing stuffs like dead and blood.”

“Jesus” I muttered.

I felt a push against me in all of a sudden, only to realize that a group of paramedics were rushing in their way. They pushed themselves against the crowd, forming an empty lane towards the emergency scene. That was when I had a clear view of the center of the crowd.

Dead…Blood…The words floating on my mind were finally linked to each other once I saw the decapitated bloke lying next to the chair.

Ashley whined in disgust and was in the verge of puking. I also couldn’t stand the horrid scene and glanced away from him. I grabbed Ashley’s hands and pulled her away from the crowd, dragging her back to our cabin. We’ve had enough for the day.

As we walked through a crowd of people, we couldn’t stop ourselves from imagining the gory graphic scene that we had just envisioned. It devastated me that this had to happen at our honeymoon. The hundreds of thoughts running wild in my mind was cut briefly following muffled but blood-curdling screams from where we came from.

My heartbeat intensified, in which I instinctively pulled Amanda into a hidden corner. We stood against the wall beside a door, as the calamity enfolded behind us.

One elderly man whooshed past us, red mist spraying everywhere over the floor as his exposed arm spurted blood.

The old man then collapsed onto the carpet, not responding to our screams at all, signifying that he was probably unconscious. Ashley looked at me dead in the eyes and suggested that we immediately return to our cabin.

I nodded and we took faster pace towards our destination, which would be our temporary safe haven. I took a look back, before gasping in shock as I saw a monstrous figure devouring a child’s body. Its humanoid figure stood on four overgrown limbs, had entirely pale skin, except for its horrid face which was covered in red blood.

“Run! Don’t look back!” I frantically yelled at Ashley.

We quickly took a corner and was met with an elevator room.

“We’re not gonna make it” I told her, pointing at the spiral staircase at the edge of the room and dashing upwards immediately afterwards. The obnoxious growl of the creature amplified very quickly and I cursed silently.

By the time we reached our floor, which I was thankful that we even made it that far, the creature could be heard dashing downwards with an ungodly speed. I stopped, knowing that it would be useless running straight away from it as it would only guarantee a gruesome death. Not with Ashley.

I stood upright, looking at all directions, trying to figure out a solution to escape the chaos. I was jerked ahead as Ashley that was holding my hand did not stop in time. There was a filthy wooden door at the side of the stairwell. I gestured Ashley to enter the door as I opened it silently, but quickly. I let her enter foremost, followed by myself who closed the door even more stealthily as the monster tumbled down the stairway.

The store room was dimly lit, making us barely seeing anything ahead of us. Ashley tapped me, pointing at a box of crates stacked at the corner. We formed a small space behind the crates and hid under. My arm hugged Ashley’s shoulder as we prayed for the best.

My body shook in horror as the deafening sound of a wooden door blast roared the entire room. I covered Ashley’s mouth, reminding her of the element of silence.

We heard footsteps tapping the deck floor, slowly approaching us at I could sense that thing scanning the room. Just as it was about to reach to us, it stopped. Another series of loud footsteps could be heard, except that now it was dashing away from us. I guess it heard someone else and was distracted from us. Thank fuck.

It took us probably a few minutes, but an eternity from our perspectives to finally exit our hiding spot. I could notice Ashley sobbing from terror. I hugged her gently, confronting and encouraging her to be more patient. We might be lucky this time, but we were still in a very dangerous zone…

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