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The original was posted on /r/collapse by /u/Nmax7 on 2024-07-05 17:03:08+00:00.


Adam Curtis - Hypernormalisation (Soviet Union) (

"They had discovered that it was impossible to plan and predict everything and the plan had run-out of control, but rather than reveal this, the technocrats began to pretend that everything was still going according to plan.

And what emerged instead was a fake version of the society. The Soviet Union became a society where everyone knew that what their leaders said was not real, because they could see with their own eyes that the economy was falling apart, but everybody had to play along and pretend that it was real, because no one could imagine any alternative.

One Soviet writer called it “Hyper-Normalization”… You were so much a part of the system that it was impossible to see beyond it… The fakeness was hyper-normal."