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The original was posted on /r/haunted by /u/MamaMaddHattress on 2024-07-07 02:31:44+00:00.

My friends and I used to go mess around at an abandoned, winterized house, in Mason, New Hampshire. This place was pretty much out in the middle of nowhere, no neighbors close by, dirt roads to get to the home. This place was pretty cool, but had been abandoned since 2005 according to all the boxes and papers that we had found. There was some Latin writing and a pentagram drawn inside the sun room, and snake paintings on the wall. The rest of the house was pretty normal, besides obviously been picked through, bedrooms were a huge mess, living room was a huge mess. That’s one of the reasons why we liked going there, because it was private and we could go through all the stuff there. There was always a negative feeling surrounding the area though, nothing ever happened.

One day, my friends and I ventured into the basement and there were metal chains, the kind that you strap your wrists into and have your hands over your head. There was a dark brown stain on the floor under it. Tons of chemical bottles, weird glasses, and other weird stuff on a work bench near the chain things. All of a sudden, I got this very bad feeling, and what I’m going to call a telepathic message in my head, telling me to “get out!!!” So I told my friends I just had a bad feeling and I was going to go outside. I quickly ran up the stairs, jumped the home between the front door and the basement door, and went outside. I was just walking around out front waiting for my friends to come back up, when I got this feeling that something was watching me. I looked around the wooded area, and then glanced up at the house, and a white face was staring at me from the top window. Well, me being me, I freaked out, screamed and ran away, into the woods. I was gone for maybe 30 seconds before I gained my composure and walked back to the house. I glanced back up to that window and the person/face was gone. My friends came up shortly after and asked me what was wrong and I told them. The guys decided to go up and break the window, which I didn’t condone but I didn’t want to cause anymore problems, I just let it happen. We hung outside for another hour, and went to go get into my car to leave, and it wouldn’t start. I had a 1997 Saturn Sc2. I continued to try starting my car, but it wouldn’t even turn over, none of my lights came on, so obviously I had a dead battery, but knew I didn’t leave any of my lights on, or the key on. We ended up sitting near my car while it was getting dark, trying to get through to someone so we could get picked up. One of my friends came up to me and told me to look in the top left window and asked me if I see anything in there, so I looked, and I 💩 you not, there were these huge giant faint but dark red eyes just floating there, slightly moving back and forth like whatever it was was breathing heavily. I told him what I saw, and he said that he thought he was going crazy. Anyway, we continued looking into the house while our other friends were trying to get service, and the thing never moved away from the window. About 30 minutes later one of our other friends came to pick us up, and we pushed my Saturn down to the lake that was maybe 5 minutes deeper into the woods, absolutely no service in that area which is why we didn’t move my car first. The road was all down hill so my car glided easily there. one of the main reasons we moved it was so that if the police went to the house for whatever reason, I couldn’t get trespassing or anything, and so a tow truck could find my car.

I had my car towed to my shop the next morning so they could get me a new battery and they ended up calling me and telling me something that made my heart drop, and I never went back to the house after this…. BOTH of the fuse boxes in my car were blown. All the fuses. They had to replace all the fuses throughout my car, and no one could figure anything wrong with my car electrically besides that. I knew it was the negative entity that did it, but obviously I wasn’t going to tell the shop that.

I have always been able to feel entity’s…I can walk into a house and be able to feel if it’s haunted or not, and I can also feel peoples emotions.

A couple months Later, my friend happened to send me a photo of the house, and there were two little shadows in one of the side windows. we think they were children. He asked me if I remembered a black box they had found, and burned, (two of the boys wouldn’t let anyone else see it). He told me it was a box of children’s nastiness, and that’s why they burned it. He thinks that whoever owned the house either abducted children, photographed, and then murd3r3d them.

Here are some photos of the house. The second photo is zoomed in the back window I believe. It’s one of the two side windows at least. The last photo, I’ve had checked by a couple people and they said they see something evil in it… that photo was taken right before I was told to “get out” I also have some more photos of inside but I would need to go through thousands of photos so it may be a couple days before I could get those up. Editing to add: I’ve also been observing the second photo. There is a larger person in the second photo that I haven’t noticed before. That is what I saw in the window looking at me. Literally the same figure but I saw it in the front left window of the house, not the side.

Here’s the link to photos of the house