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The original was posted on /r/pathofexile by /u/Korunyy on 2023-07-30 17:05:21.

Yes, complaints often do go overboard and yes, it’s annoying to see a shitton of negativity everywhere you look.

But the current counter-point to any complaints about the poe1-poe2 split seems to be “just dont play poe2 then” and frankly that’s missing the entire problem.

People have spent the last 4 years expecting poe2 to update gems, update models, graphics and animations, make the game feel less janky overall. Improvements that, i’d wager, most of the playerbase would agree are needed or atleast a net positive for poe1.

Now exilecon2 rolls around and we’re left with “sorry boys, scope expanded and there’s nothing we can do.”

PoE2 could be the best game in history and i’d still be upset at the shafting poe1 took with this pivot in direction.