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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/Wild_Citron1234 on 2023-07-31 00:15:23.

Luckily people and docs always did believe that I’m severely sick, cause I faint and look sick. But until now there was no hard evidence, besides a tilt table test that showed I have severe POTS. I also had slightly elevated liver labs, anemia labs and low white blood cells. But besides that there wasn’t much “hard evidence”. I do have anaphylaxis and turn red thx to MCAS, so that was visible but no lab result…

Now I got some special tests back and well, I am appearantly as sick as I thought. My docs already thought that I had all of this, but they didn’t have proof. My doc, a before CFS researcher, now a LC researcher, said I’m one of the worst affected she met so far and it felt horrible to hear, but also validating, maybe someone can relate? There were docs stating I should just stand up and walk more, train more…

Well it turns out I have an extensive mitochondrial dysfunctioning, lactic acidosis- and when I got tested I was as rested and “well” (meaning still bedridden, but didn’t feel like actively dyjng) as possible and it was still high, it’s probably way higher during pem, finally explaining my sometimes absolutely nonfunctioning muscles.

Neuroinflammation with neurotransmitters completely out of range, my dopamine, glutamate and gaba were through the roof, while my noradrenaline and Cortisol we’re low. But I guess that’s at least an explanation why I’m not anxious or depressed, with those gaba levels… And the focal seizures I had and noone even tried to explain, cause everyone heard long covid and just shrugged their shoulders…

I have a leaky gut together with a dysbiosis, leading some gut bacteria to produce high toxin levels and appearantly my labs show signs of being poisoned. I also have high nitrosative stress labs and my kidney labs are not good too.

Plus my new food intolerances got confirmed, even though they now need more clarification, but I do have them, together with fat and carb malabsorption and insufficient digestion. Plus my inflammation markers are high.

I also have autoantibodies, but they aren’t my primary problem according to the doc. But I wonder if the blood clotting ones do cause some problems in that department…

Has anyone else had this lab results? According to research most of them seem to be common in a subset if LC patients and my doc said the same. Mitochondrial dysfunctioning and gut dysbiosis are pretty common in her study, also the autoantibodies.