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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/No-Astronomer-1217 on 2023-06-27 16:04:31+00:00.

My(24f) boyfriend, “Dan” is a chef. Because of this I end up doing most of the cooking for the two of us when we have dinner together at one of ours apartments. I’m not a professional by any means though.

My family makes a big deal out of birthdays. Every birthday has all 3 of my siblings and my parents present, every year. Each of us has our own food that we have every year on our birthday. I’ve been having this same food on my birthday since I was 5.

The past couple years I’ve had Dan make it for me. It’s a bit of a complicated dish and there’s a couple steps I can’t do myself.

My birthday is coming up in a couple weeks, and this year falls on a Friday. When I started making plans and everything for it, and just double checked that Dan had Friday night off and could make the dinner, he said he couldn’t make it this year. I asked why not and he said since it has meat in it he can’t eat it on a Friday(he is Christian). I told him he could eat something else but he refused to make it altogether and said I could either find another dish for him to make, he could make it without meat, or we could celebrate the next day.

I didn’t like any of these options, my family has a tradition and I know my parents would be upset. I called my mom and explained the situation and she says that she thinks Dan should just make it. Most of my family is on my side because they recognize the importance of this tradition and because I cook most of the time.

Dan still refuses and keeps shutting me down when I ask him to just make the food.

AITA for wanting him to do this for me?