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The original was posted on /r/homeassistant by /u/InternationalNebula7 on 2023-06-27 17:30:09+00:00.

Hassassistant created an awesome custom component for Home Assistant that allows users to fetch text responses from OpenAI’s GPT-3 model called “Home Assistant OpenAI Response Sensor.” This integration allows a user to input text to GPT-3 or ChatGPT and return the response as an attribute of a sensor. Thus, automations can be created to provide LLM post-processing to Home Assistant generated text (seemingly up to 255 characters).

Google recently debuted a public preview of their PaLM-2 API in MakerSuite which, unlike OpenAI, is free to use! It allows API based inquiry to their Google Bard LLM.

Has anyone created a HACS integration, similar to the above mentioned OpenAI Response Sensor, that allows sending a text based prompt to Google’s API and receiving the response via a sensor for use in automations?

At present the official Google Generative AI Conversation integration (introduced in HA 2023.6) is restricted to inquiry via the chat based Assist voice assistant function in Home Assistant (introduced in HA 2023.2).