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The original was posted on /r/covidlonghaulers by /u/No_Mathematician2983 on 2023-07-31 01:30:01.

This may be hard to explain I’m 18 months into long Covid never had this problem before but just started recently feeling like at times it is harder to breath and I check my O2 and it’s 96-100% every time and I I also will get theses random well the past 2 days random feelings were it’s a bit more intense it feels like something is squeezing my right lung the lung don’t hurt but like I can’t fill it up like my airways are restricted and I don’t know what this could be them episodes will last about a minute long it makes my heart go up because I get so damn scared and I don’t even have a idea of what it is or where to start chest X-rays look good bloods good O2 good anyone have advice non vax 26 year old male also pretty healthy before Covid 6 ft 170 lbs not over weight any advice would be huge thank you all 🙏