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The original was posted on /r/AmItheAsshole by /u/No-Palpitation5438 on 2023-07-31 01:24:42.

So my roommate’s mom and brother James (30-40) come over to visit. His mom and James live out of state and my roommate hardly sees them. We have a ring on our back door. I got a notification and it looks like James sneaked out through the back with my PS5. He’s on camera stealing it. I told my roommate about it. I saved the video to my phone. It had been a couple of days and my roommate hasn’t said shit so I corner them and I say I need the PS5 back tonight and James avoids the conversation and leaves. My roommate’s mom flips her shit saying I shouldn’t leave my stuff out if it’s expensive and that’s common sense if I was worried about it I should have put it in a safe place. I told her I have James in camera taking it. She’s like so. I told her fine I’m filling a police report and she’s like that’s her son and he’s practically my family since I live with her son. I said so? I’d file a police report on my brother if he pulled that crap.

So far James won’t say where the PS5 is but it’s not at the hotel so I’m following through with it in case he sold it. My roommate is panicking saying with the next couple of checks he’ll by me a new one. He’s awful with money so I took the video by the police station and filed a report. The officer was nice and told me to file a temporary restraining order on James because he feels like something is wrong with him so I did. I made a copy and James can’t come over to the house or be around me anymore. My roommate is pissed because his brother does have issues and they have been trying to work on it. I told him since they take no responsibility for his brother stealing I’m also altering the landlord about everything in an email tomorrow. My roommate panicked and called his mom who said that’s not how I should be handling things but even with a new PS5 I have to redownload all my games and I don’t want a new one and I feel like James needs some accountability karma because why would almost 40 years old man think it’s just ok to steal.,